Coronavirus Pandemic Notice:
Please comply with any Federal Government and SA State Government advisories when visting Bowden's Cottage, the Museum, Gaol and grounds.
If you have a cough, cold or flu symptoms, please do not visit.

For Cottage openings we ask that vistors respect the following:
- No more than 8 people in the Cottage main room at one time.
- No more than 3 people in the museum at one time.
- No more than 2 people in the kitchen at a time;
- Practice social distancing rules.

2025 DatesEvent 1
Every TuesdayWorking Bee/Cottage Open 9:00am-12:00pm
Sunday 16th FebCottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 16th MarchGeneral Meeting/Cottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 20th AprilCottage Open 10am-3pm
May 6th, 13th, 20th, 27thHistory Month, extra opens on each Tuesday in May (10am-3pm)
Sunday 18th MayMini Open Day/General Meeting/Cottage Open 10am-3pm
JuneGroup Trip (TBC)
Sunday 15th JuneCottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 20th JulyAGM/General Meeting/Cottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 17th AugustCottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 14th SeptemberGeneral Meeting/Cottage Open 10am-3pm (- unless road closure/car rally)
Saturday 20th SeptemberSet-up for Open Day 1:00pm on
Sunday 21st SeptemberOpen Day 10am-4:30pm (members early as possible)
Sunday 19th OctoberCottage Open 10am-3pm
Sunday 16th NovGeneral Meeting/Cottage Open 10am-3pm
Thursday 18th December7:00pm - Community Christmas
Prior years
2024 Calendar
1. [Events subject to member availability and may be cancelled on total fire ban days and when extreme weather events are forecast.]